cover artwork
: / : by
1. Shine
2. Struggle
3. Knowledge
4. Lethargy
5. Rising
6. Carry on
7. Will We Ever Break Free?

Shine and Rising

by sp1rit and student

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Released: 2021-08-25 (CC BY-NC 4.0)

In memory of Jaroslav


Leaving someone dear is difficult. Unexpectedly losing a friend hurts the most. All we can do is peacefully accept it and move on, hoping for a better place.


Struggling to find a way in the big, sad world…


The path to knowledge is a difficult one: from curiosity and genuine interest, through misunderstanding, laziness and being overwhelmed by small but important details, to finding the beauty in the subtle relations coming from deep understanding.
But before the gained knowledge can be useful, it needs to be put through a test, which can be difficult and stressful. The uncertainty and self-doubt keep eating us until we succeed.
Celebration of large or small successes is always too short. We must start working right away – what matters is the knowledge gets passed on and is used for good.


Sometimes, life gets difficult and nothing seems to make sense…


Rising up consists of many subsequent falls…
... first, you need to hit the rock bottom so you have something solid to push yourself up and rise again.

Carry on

When the past hurts the most, it is time to carry on and focus all your energy into reaching the light at the end of the tunnel. Don't linger in depression – move on, but never forget where you came from!

Will We Ever Break Free?

It's time to stop dreaming and face the reality. But how and why? Does anything matter?
Every morning our days start, but seemingly nothing meaningful begins...
Are we stuck on a chain of meaningless chores? Is there something more we are meant to be doing? Will we ever break free?